Waterproof Changing Robes


SRF DRY is a brand that is focused on making Changing Dry Robes and Changing Mats. Specifically designed for swimming, surfing and biking. The company was launched in 2020, to provide high-quality products that are affordable too.

What makes SRF DRY different?

SRF DRY try to connect with their customers, to show that they care and can establish themselves from other competitors.

On their blog, they have a range of posts dedicated both to their business but also surrounding mental health. Although they could choose to only write and advertise their products, they still make wellbeing a priority.


Do they only have Waterproof Changing Robes?

Their products are split into categories, which include: Waterproof Robes, Towels & Microfibre and Accessories.

Their Waterproof Changing Robes are both waterproof and windproof. Designed to dry quickly and keep to warm. You can also change out of your wet clothes easily and still be protected from harsh weather and the elements.

The Towel Changing Robe is a poncho with a thick hood. It is perfect for water sports as it makes it easy to change and remove your kit in public. The Robe is made with a super-absorbent material, so it dries quickly after swimming, surfing and other water-based activities.

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